Thursday, September 12, 2013

Temperature is Relative

Overhead in the hallway today, on our second rather chilly day in Germany (low 60's).

Student from Afghanistan: It's so cold!
Student from Brazil: I know, right!!!
Student from South Carolina: For sure! Why aren't the radiators on yet?!
Student from Russia: What are you guys talking about? It's fine.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Days

First days of school aren't my favorite. Don't get me wrong. I love the reunions with smiling former students, I enjoy the tingle of excitement in the air, and I almost always cry during the Seniors' parade of flags during Opening Ceremonies. (Yes, this year, too.) But first days also signal the final shift, the solidifying that last year really is now last year. Those 8th graders are out of my classroom forever. Friends who left in June for good truly are not here anymore. And I have to start over training in a whole bunch of 6th graders to my classroom procedures and expectations. First days are grand, they're necessary and right, but they're not my favorite.

My favorite school days come four weeks in. When I've mastered all the new students' names and feel comfortable to shoot hoops with them in the fresh fall air. When the bus schedule is finally worked out to accommodate all kind of special circumstances and no more students get left behind at wrong bus stops. When talking of classroom procedures has finally fully given way to talking about history and our place in it. When I experience freedom to stop performing and to truly start relating. That's when it starts to get good. :-)

with the new M.S. Principal

Monday, September 2, 2013

When I blew it on Day 1

Last Monday was the first day that all the staff was together on our Middle School campus. It was full of excitement, anticipation, and freshness. It was also chaotic as we weathered change after change that we couldn’t control. Chaos grew into frustration, and before I knew it, I blew it.

The details aren’t important, but by the grace of God, a person in my life had the courage and love to confront me. Of course, initially I was humbled and embarrassed, then guilt-ridden and self-condemning. But with processing, here’s what I learned:

1. Harsh words from friends are more valuable than kisses from enemies.
2. Attitude is a vital part of leadership.
3. His mercies are new every morning.

Thank God for #3 most of all!

It’s funny how it’s not the big trial of the year, the weighty decision that might affect a student’s future or the confrontation from a parent that got me down so quickly. In the grade scheme of things, it was a minute thing. I guess it’s good to learn lessons at the beginning. May it lead to less of me and more of him.