Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Buying myself flowers

Yesterday was a grueling day, very manly. I shoveled rocks for an hour, then mowed a big lawn for two, and then went back to shoveling rocks, and all of this was in the in 90-degree heat. Sweat was just pouring off me. After work, a bunch of us headed over to the Kandern pool, which was of course wonderful, but I still have to say: lying in a swimsuit still does NOTHING for making me feel pretty and feminine.

So, last night in the grocery store, I bought myself flowers.

It's taken a long time (too long) for me to really be okay with buying myself flowers. They were something you got at special times as a form of recognition (acting in a play, being class president, birthdays, ...), and if they were to come at a time "just because," then they were naturally going to come from a special person (read: a man). I think my reluctance to buy them for myself came from not wanting to usurp that special someone. However, I've slowly begun to realize that waiting just means I'm missing out on years of having fragrant flowers on my kitchen table, and for 3 bucks a bundle, I really could splurge every now and then. He can pay me back when we finally meet. :-)


jake said...

Good for you!

Joyce Lynne said...

That makes a lot of sense! I think you have the right to buy yourself flowers after working so hard for your beloved middle schoolers:)