Thursday, February 14, 2013

Days Like This

Yesterday was one of "those" days. There was not a moment of rest between awaking at 5:30 and sleeping somewhere around midnight. Here's a quick overview:

morning work-out
shower & getting ready
run to the bank
drive carpool
write two tests
teach four classes back-to-back
run interference with two struggling students when another slices his finger open and ends up needing to be driven to the doctor's office (though not by me at that point)
interview a friend on video for Chapel talk
return home to cook dinner
host four 8th grade boys for dinner
drive them to school
speak on a Panel for Small Groups
clean up
find out the bus didn't come, help drive students home
answer e-mails
fall into bed
be awoken by the bank in America twice with address questions
fall back into bed

By the time the bank was calling, I could barely remember my name let alone answer some of the questions coherently. It was physically and mentally and even emotionally exhausting, but at the end, I really could honestly say, "This was a good day." It's one of those days that drives me to my knees and reminds me of so many things.

1. I love being here! :-) I can tell I have a purpose and enjoy my calling here so much.
2. I am feeble and dependent on a higher power. If God weren't sustaining me, I'd come apart at the seams every day.
3. I am feeble and dependent on other people. It meant the world to know I could call on other teachers or friends to pick up where I was slacking yesterday. We need each other, and that's exactly how God designed it to be.

I've recently learned to see Psalm 118 again in a new light and have fallen in love with it. When David finishes listing all the pressures he's facing (surrounded by enemies, hard pressed on every side, nations cutting him down, ...), he recognizes over and over again how it was the Lord who led him through each and every challenge. And in v. 24 he says, "The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad." It was his day from start to finish, as is today, as is tomorrow, and as is every day. I can choose to see the exhaustion, or I can choose to rejoice. What will you do with your day?

1 comment:

jake said...

Choose to rejoice! again and again and again!