Monday, August 31, 2020

First Day of School

The sun comes up on this momentous morning in golden pink rays over the Rockies, and the Spirit whispers in my ear, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” I swallow the lump in my throat and thank him.

Because a second ago I’d been staring at those same Rocky Mountains, thinking how they represented another layer of geographical barriers separating me from where I want to be. Over there. Across an ocean. And in a classroom with a herd of Middle Schoolers as today is the first day of school at BFA.

And I know I’m where I should be as I grab my journal and head into Day 3 of my Debrief Retreat. It’s been good to tell stories and reflect on questions of the heart; I trust the voices of these counselors who have known me for nearly 20 years. I can lay out all the options I’m considering for my future: sunrises in the Forest, birds in flight over the Steppe, or cohorts of school leaders eager to grow. In those places, this too is the day the Lord has made.

I’m grateful that the one who holds the mountains and oceans and rivers in between also holds my placement and timing as well. Pray for me as I make decisions about what is ahead. :-)

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