Monday, March 15, 2021

A Contemplation on Waves

Waves are amazing. I've had opportunity to observe a lot lately, from the scary high ones that only surfers and experienced Hawaiians dare enter to the soft lapping kind that kiss my toes. I'm learning about surf break and which waves are best for body surfing - exhausting work, by the way. There's something glorious about watching the shifting light dance on the surface of the waves, the consistent rhythm with which they make their way to the shore, the rush of sound when the break extends from one end of my view down to the other, and the silent humility when a finished wave slips underneath the oncoming one. Kids moan in agony as sand castles are stolen from them or squeal in delight as a powerful wave reaches the "pool" they've been digging for hours in the hopes it will fill with water. Twinkling eyes reflect the expanse before them. I see beauty and symmetry and fulfillment of dreams as shoulders relax as both those in need of a thrill and those in need of rest sit in the sand and contemplate the power before them.

So many analogies come to mind as I stare at the ocean: the consistent work of the Holy Spirit in my life that is faithful yet can shift from gentle whisper to volatile pounding as needed. Or how about the idea that I can take my place in a line-up of faithful witnesses, leave my mark, and then recede out again in the humility of a life well lived. Perhaps the waves are the deceptive, sparkle of the evil one that comes ashore and wipes out distinctions or sand castles in an attempt to dull everything, and it's my job to build up defenses. Or there's the truth that God knows exactly what each person needs, whether a wake-up call to adventure or a soothing hour in his presence removing the weight from one's shoulders. A searching mind can find comparisons galore.

However, in this moment, the greatest contentment I find is in the non-meaning-making. A deep satisfaction overcomes me as I sit, watch, enjoy, and praise. What a creative mind our God has to think up something as simple as waves.

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