Monday, November 24, 2008

The tongue

In my women's bible study, we were challenged to start watching our speech more often, filtering out the unwholesome things and replacing them with encouraging, edifying talk. So, I started by just monitoring myself one day. And I was horrified! I don't curse; I don't cuss; I don't spit; and I try really hard not to lie. But boy do I mock and complain and point out flaws and exaggerate. A lot. By noon that day, I was already convinced that I should just not talk. Ever again.

Then reading James 3 on top of it just scared me. He speaks of the tongue being this tiny instrument, like a rudder on the ship, but having the entire control over the rest of the ship because it determines the direction. I didn't like that the tongue should have so much power, especially when what was coming out of my mouth was really not God-honoring. Fortunately, my study went on in the next few days to teach us to rely on the Spirit inside who IS God-honoring. And one of the best ways of letting him speak through me, I'm re-learning, is of course through Scripture. What better way to talk, especially to God, then in his own language. It's been my new motivation to memorizing verses again, and so far, I can really tell the Spirit's helping me.

Plus, taking that power of the tongue that is described in James 3 and actually applying it to good speech is extremely powerful! I never put that together before, but speaking blessings over someone's life, praying for them, using actual speech and words to encourage has the true ability to determine direction. It sure puts a heavier call on my life to exert good power in other people's lives (and my own, for that matter), not bad.


ella peterson said...

now why on earth did you have to write something so convicting!??? i need to try and work on that too.

ella peterson said...

the part that i forgot to mention is that i don't really want to. **goes and pouts**

Allison said...

Good for you, Katrina - but I don't think I've ever heard an unwholesome word come out of your mouth!

Scott and Fiona said...

story of my life.... the mouth thing that is! ;-)