Monday, March 9, 2009

Lasts and Firsts

Lasts I still need to accomplish before I leave Ecuador:
- barter for fruits and vegetables at the market
- buy myself yet another Ecuadorian bag (love them)
- the mountain of grading next to my desk
- lead one last Spotlight
- have a fluent conversation in Spanish (running out of time on that one)
- see a movie for $3
- ride in a taxi for $1

Firsts I can't wait to do in the States:
- sit in a Barnes & Noble's
- drive
- have a fluent conversation in English
- go to my church!
- locate the Milka stash under my bed
- hug Wolfi


ella peterson said...

you forgot something from you list of firsts in the states: see Rachel :P

Katrina Custer said...

Sorry. I assumed that was a given. ;-)

Sharon said...

hey now, where am I in all this? :P

ella peterson said...

Sharon - you're going down to bring her back to me! you're one of the most important!

Katrina Custer said...

What Rachel said!