Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I love VW

I continue to be amazed at VW's progress. He was less than happy this morning in History, and it was all I could do to drag him through the lesson. We had almost reverted to the old days of his never answering my questions and not even making eye contact.

But then this afternoon, the 5th graders came over to visit the middle school, their new home next year. The 6th graders were assigned various jobs in showing their underclassmen the ropes, and VW was given the task of tour guide down the main hallway. My heart was filled with warm fuzzies when I heard his strong voice and Swedish accent drifting through my door:

"And here is de computer lab. You will learn many dings in dere about computer programming and typing. Now Room 405 is de storage room. You will not need to go in dere. Here is de Resource Room. Come along now. Hurry, please."


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