Friday, March 25, 2011
The Middle School Play
Monday, March 21, 2011
Duh, Miss Custer...
Me: Whoa, MC! What happened that you've gotten so tall!?
MC (completely nonchalant): Puberty.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Detention Duty
Me: Okay, good for you.
Student: Is it Paul or Peter who talks about suffering?
Me: Both?
Student: Which one says to be happy while you suffer?
Me: Well, I know Peter does. But I can also think of James right now who said, "Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds."
Student (very seriously): Did James plagiarize?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
A compliment gone wrong or an insulting jab
Me: I am female.
Student 1: Aphrodite.
Me: No. I also used to be very beautiful, you know, a long time ago.
Student 2: Miss Custer!!!
Me: (shocked expression on my face while student turns bright red)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Guarded yet vulnerable?
Last week I was sent into a tail-spin, re-evaluative crisis when I found out that a couple of my students had discovered this blog. And not just any students, but two whose opinions I highly value and often seek out, two students who many times act more mature than their History teacher and whose artistic capabilities and spiritual sensitivities speak volumes to me personally. The idea of their seeing the blog intended for my peers, with stories of their class and raw attempts at poetry, unnerved me for a couple of days. They might even be reading this … (hi, you guys).
On top of that, one student asked me a very point blank question about a time in my life when I was especially close to God. Immediately, I thought of one my deepest, darkest hurdles, a story that I’d always imagined I’d one day share with students who needed to hear it, and my mouth went dry. My heart began beating rapidly. It’s just so much easier to stay guarded and safe, isn’t it.
I’ve spent the last couple of days seeking out other BFA staff’s opinions on how much to “withdraw” and how much to “put out there” for the students to see. After all, when I came, my intention was always to share my life with them. Perhaps not completely the open, vulnerable book that might be ideal, but open nonetheless. Different staff have quite different opinions on the matter, which didn’t give me any clarity at all; however, it was Mark Steele in his book Flashbang that gave me the most comfort yesterday. Here’s an excerpt I hope he won’t mind if I plagiarize. It’s from an inner dialogue he’s having with himself:
That is the difference between a grenade and a flashbang. A flashbang only lets out what is impressive while a grenade throws every bit of itself out there when the pin is pulled.
That doesn’t sound right. Every bit of myself? It doesn’t sound healthy to be an open book to everyone.
I didn’t say that.
Then what are you saying? Because I’ve done this, you know. I’ve been unguarded with people I thought were godly – people I thought I could trust. And when they ended up not being trustworthy, I hated that I had given them any information whatsoever. I don’t think it’s safe to throw every bit of myself out there.
I didn't say it was safe. I said it will change people.
At my expense.
Yes. Look, … you do have to be careful who you let into your inner circle of accountability. That is not what I’m saying. To play your problems on a loudspeaker for all to hear would be foolish and ineffective.
But probably entertaining.
To everyone but yourself, perhaps. But this is about the fact that many who believe they are just being guarded are actually imprisoning themselves. This is not about stating everything to everyone. This is about being open to God, saying “the truth to this person right now.” … That person is no longer afraid of that truth because it is in the light to someone else. That is when truth loses its chains and instead holds power. The power to heal others
(Me again:) I don’t want to imprison myself, so as long as God plants the opportunities, I’ll do my best to live an unchained truthful life, both carefully checked and yet freely abandoned.