Sunday, July 17, 2011

Biblical Haikus

Rainy days always set me in a writing/reading mood. And since the tented Polka band across the street won't let me take my planned nap, I've been adding to my growing newest project: Biblical haikus. Sort of. I tend to like the rhythm of 5-5-7 better than the traditional 5-7-5, so I'm not sure what to call these guys. For now, I'm sticking with "Haiku."

It began with an online sermon a couple of weeks ago, and I loved the puns contained in the names of both the hero and the villain. The first haiku just came to me. Since then, my list has been growing, and I'm thinking I'll use them this fall in Homeroom as a fun guessing game. See if you can tell which stories the following three are from (the middle one being the one from the sermon, so all you GCR people have it easy):

Who knew risking all
- in times such as these -
Orphan's crown her people'd save?

Son of my Right Hand
Sword-wielding Leftie
Justice upon fat Cow-King

Leafy shadow's deed
Aside core and seed
Death-pierced heart which nails freed

1 comment:

jake said...

You continue to amaze me!