Thursday, December 26, 2013

2013 in Review

I'm feeling nostalgic and have been reflecting on the year 2013 and what I learned. If you're interested, read on, but if not, no pressure. :-)

January: I entered the new year amid smoke and firework in downtown Kandern - like any good German. We did start off with some other "newness" too because 2 new girls joined our small group, and I love them to bits! As a group, during this month, we had our sardine sleepover in my tiny living room and finished our "I Am Second" videos. Theme of this month: New Mercies.

February: Mainly I remember being in two places this month: at school especially for Play Practice, and at Elemenz Cafe (before they closed down). I also managed to retreat to the Rapha House with my beautiful Bible study group. Theme of this month: Friendship.

March: There were some big highlights this month in between the M.S. play performances (Love me some Alvin Fernald), taking the 8th graders hiking to a castle, and BFA hosting ICEC, in which I co-led my first workshop. Theme of the month: Courage.

April: Once Spring Break came to a close, April was fairly routine. A bunch of us did run in the Freiburg marathon, which apart from the cold was pretty fun. Theme of the month: Persistence.

May: Usually, May hits a school year, and someone punches the fast-forward button. I took a jaunt to Austria for a beautiful wedding of two friends. Some of us ran another race that took us through three countries (yes, countries), and nobody died. We braved yet another annual trip with 8th graders to southern Switzerland for a week, and nobody died there either. Theme of this month: Celebration.

June: The most bittersweet month was full of hurrahs and good-byes as we wrapped up another school year. Jill, EmKel, and I topped it off with 8 days in Israel, before I had to hug them both farewell (as well as many others). Theme of the month: Good Closure.

July: A kind soul named "Dad" brought me home for three weeks, so we could celebrate some family milestones, including my parents' 40th anniversary. I got to meet niece Megan, see the new house since the fire, and offer support as brother Andi underwent surgery. Theme of the month: Family.

August: Rachel and I got to spend nearly 2 weeks in gorgeous Marzell with three equally as gorgeous girls. Beyond that, August was fairly slow, and I spent a lot of it at work preparing for the new year. Theme of the month: Rest.

September: The new school year started with a bang. It's always challenging and fun to get to know new staff, new students, new bosses, and everything. Spiritual Emphasis Week generally comes at the perfect time to help me refocus and to help me look past early failures to a brighter future. Theme of this month: Humility.

October: As the leaves began to turn, I particularly enjoyed some new experiences, such as working the Cross Country meet, attending an educational Leadership Conference, and reconnecting with an old friend at a new outdoor museum. My small group girls dove in deeply, and God revealed himself to me in the creativity of my students. Theme of the month: Beauty.

November: 4 Thanksgiving meals are nothing new anymore in this community, but I was thankful for the good people they surrounded me with. Elizabeth and I snuck off to Avignon for a historical trip, and my Bible study group returned to the Rapha House, so I got to use my French. Theme of the month: (no surprise) Gratefulness.

December: The fastest month of the year, always, was particularly peaceful this year. Once the challenge of keeping students focused until the end was over, I actually had time to write, to decorate, to visit local Christmas markets, and to welcome my parents to my home for Christmas. Theme of this month: Focus on Christ.

If you made it this far, I'm impressed. And I would love to know some of the things you learned in 2013. May God's favor rest on you in the New Year as well!


Tahran said...

I read it!!! :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too. Meeting up with you was one of my highlights!

All our love to you, T (and the rest)

jake said...

I also read it - but then I read everything you write! Love the way you chose a theme each month. And Love you! Mama