Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the Future

It would appear things are falling into place. Ecuador looks more and more sure; I got a job to tie me over to my Israel trip; Israel is going to rock; and my missions application passed Round 1, so I now I can go for interviews. Here's my hectic schedule for the next year:

now: work at Hancock Elementary until June 5

June 12: head to Colorado for interviews at WorldVenture Headquarters

June 21: go to Israel!!! Participate at an archaeological site for a week, then take a class in Jerusalem

July 13: go home to Austria for a week (I don't know when the last time was that I was there in the summer)

July 21: return to Minnesota, find work

mid-Sep: go to Ecuador to work for Northwestern's branch campus for 5 months

mid-March: return to Minnesota, start support raising

No doubt I would appreciate prayer for any and all of this. Several of those things fell into my lap completely unexpected and uplanned, so I don't know what God is planning.


Matt said...

Wow Katrina, that is exciting. You’ve got a lot of stuff going on this year. Hang in there!

Erin said...

Did you forget a trip to Chicago somewhere in there?