Monday, May 26, 2008

Prince Caspian

Saw the movie Prince Caspian with Sharon this weekend and loved it (as I do pretty much anything Narnia-related). I knew they would change around a lot of things, especially if all the talk was about the epic action and I remembered this particular book in the series being the most character-driven one. For the most part, I thought the additions were all okay and completely conceivable within the framework of the book, so I was pleased.

When it was all said and done and credits were rolling, the scene that stood out to me more than any other was a very simple one. King Peter had just led the good guys into a fight they lost all because he was being stubborn, selfish, and too impatient to wait for Aslan. When he finally begins to realize his own faults and hot-headedness in the whole escapade, the next shot shows him sitting at the feet of a stone monument of the lion, just gazing up at Aslan's face. I was just struck by the humility (finally) of that act and of the truth it conveyed. When you hit rock bottom, the best place to return to is always the feet of the true Savior. It reminded me of Mary in the story of Mary and Martha - and those who know me well know that I am all too much a Martha. Personality-wise, I've come to a place where I'm okay with it, and I admire Martha for many things, not the least of which is her perspective when her brother dies, but there are times I wish I was more like Mary. I wish I would more easily just sit and gaze. I'm too much like Peter, waiting until it's my last option.

"One thing I ask of the gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." (Ps 27:4). Does it get easier with time?

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