Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where the rubber meets the road

Well, it's probably time for a more personal blog here. Things are slowly moving forward for the missions side of my life. I have a few churches lined up between the end of April and the beginning of July where I'll be sharing about my ministry and inviting people to join me in it. Powerpoints are being worked on, today I'll finalize my brochure, and I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with nice decorations for a table setting. I'm excited though. Just in the few personal conversations I've had with people, I've surprised myself over and over with how much I can talk about the school, the kids, and the needs in Europe and also with how passionately I feel about the work.

It sure is a time of trusting though. At church this past Sunday and at bible study yesterday, two different people spoke encouraging words to me, saying God will provide because he owns the cattle on a thousand hills (or something like that). What are a couple of bucks to him! I told them that I'll need to hear that often, so I hope God keeps sending them. :-) Honestly though, trust has never been my forte when I'm such a immediate, detail person. But I'm trusting that God will bring the right people to partner in this ministry, and I'm trusting that it will happen in HIS timing, not my own. I'm trusting he'll provide for my in-between needs (as he already is), and I'm trusting that this will be a time of intense personal stretching (as it already it).

Anyway, thanks to all my friends and family who love me! May he stretch you all, too (haha)!

1 comment:

ella peterson said...

.... is that an evil laugh at the end? ;) praying for you!