The sun was beating down quite warmly for a May afternoon in the Northwest, and the kids I was babysitting were having a blast running around outside in their bare feet. The twins, Ben and Ellie, had split in opposite directions with Ben setting up his apple stand out front and Ellie making daisy chains in the back. 6-year-old Karissa was trying to touch the ceiling on the porch swing while her younger sister Anna, the one I most needed to keep my eye on, was peddling back and forth with all the speed of a 4-year-old cheetah.
Because of the intensity with which I had to focus on Anna's trek up and down the sidewalk, I hadn't really paid much attention to Ben's sign, not even when he roped Karissa into helping it. So when I heard their sweet, clear voices echo across the street, my heart almost melted: "Apples! 50 cents. Help our missionary!"
Rounding the stand, I found the sign that Ben had written: "By apples. Money for Germiny." (Picture to follow.) I can guarantee in my upcoming year of support raising, no $3 are ever going to be sweeter than the 3 they raised that day. I think I'm leaving my heart in Portland....
1 comment:
That is so sweet! And God's economy is so different than ours - their $3 is worth a lot more than some other people's hundereds!
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