Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What's the point?

Yesterday over lunch, one of the many announcements that came through was the following:

"Anyone interested in being baptized as a part of BFCF's (Black Forest Christian Fellowship) baptismal service - coming up - should go see Pastor Harrop right now during lunch. He's sitting in the student center and promises he won't take more than 2 minutes of your time."

During my 6th period class, JB said something about being baptized.

Me: "Oh, did you go see Pastor Harrop during lunch?"
JB: "No, that seemed really meaningless and rushed."
Me: "You mean short-notice? You didn't have your testimony ready?"
JB: "No, I mean that 2 minutes to talk and get baptized and you're out of there all seems really fast and kind of pointless."
Me: "Uhh, ...."

I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't laugh (too loud) and then tried to explain today was just about expressing interest in being baptized, not the baptism itself. However, it was really cool because afterwards, we did get onto a short conversation about living a life for God and allowed God to control it. Darn bell interrupted us though! I've never had a serious conversation with JB before, so I was extra excited!

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