I've been avoiding tackling the blog because it seems like there is so much to catch up on. But I guess rather than overwhelming everyone with details no one cares about anyway, I'll hit the highlights.
The WorldVenture Austria team conference takes place every spring in the mountains of Austria. The Germany team (which used to consist of one family) always joined them. This year, the Germany team is finally big enough to hold its own water! Hooray! We still met with the Austria team for the devotions and worship, but we had team meetings and strategy planning sessions separately. And all this is gorgeous Alpine setting:

On the last day, Jill, Amanda, and I hiked to the Toplitzsee Lake. It's where the Nazis supposely dumped a lot of treasure on the eve of their loss in 1945. However, there have been many searches of the lake's depths, and all that has been uncovered were thousands and thousands of dollars worth of counterfeit money. They were intending on flooding (and bankrupting) the British and American economies.

From there, we three girls drove to Spittal for Good Friday and Easter. It was fun to show them my old stomping grounds and to stay with fantastic friends. I think I ate approximately eight loaves of bread, cheese of two whole cows, meat from a giant pig, fifteen cloves of garlic, and seventy-three pieces of cake. Give or take a few. It was yummy, and a lot of great conversations happened over those dinner tables.
I've run out of the pictures I took. I have to get the rest from Jill and Amanda to tell you about the real adventures that followed.
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