Saturday, August 21, 2010

A "Crappy" First Day

That title makes it seem like I had a horrible first day back, and that's not quite true, just a horrible first hour. Literally crappy. And here's why:

** Warning: not for the weak stomach!**

It needs to be said first of all that flying is not very kind to my bowels. I get bloated on planes and of course feel very uncomfortable throughout the whole travel experience, so I'm always happy to get back to a real house with a real bathroom. When David picked me up from the airport, he took me straight to my new apartment, which was SOOOO exciting. After we brought up the suitcases and he took off to let me nap, I immediately headed to the bathroom to do my thing. Forgetting that the pipes hadn't been used in 3 months, I proceeded to press down the button to flush. It didn't send out flushing water, however. Instead, it sent out a high-pressure burst of air that in turn sent poop and pee flying all over my bathroom and all over me.

Needless to say, I was not very happy (though grateful my mouth had been closed). I only freaked out a little though and was able to quickly find a rag to clean up my mess, hose down the shower, peel out of my clothes, and then quickly douse myself in pure water. I also ran around the apartment opening all faucets to let water run out. Welcome home, huh?



Dougg said...

Get that situation rectified before I get there please!

ella peterson said...

LOL!!! i LOVE poop stories. thanks for sharing!

Sage Grasshopper said...

I am sure there have been worse stories than that. However, after the plane and all the other exhaustion you had last week, I am also sure it seemed like the end of the world. It would have to me. So, before you head out to the store, remember Senf and Seife, yes?

Sage Grasshopper said...

Hmm..I didn't mean "worse" I meant Or something.

Allison said...

Only you, Katrina! I'm sorry for your crappy experience!

sharbear said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! That is so disgusting and SO funny!