Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 9-10: Maasai Market Shopping

The highlight of these two days has definitely been the shopping. Kristin took me to the Maasai Market that meets in a parking garage every Thursday. I forgot to take a camera, but that may have been okay anyway since it definitely would have pegged me as a tourist in a way my white skin didn't too much. With Kristin's residency card, several owners just assumed I lived here, too, so we were able to get away from the tourist prices pretty quickly.

The bartering skills were a little rusty, and I'm sure I overpaid on a couple of the items, but the girls seemed quite impressed that I got a skirt for only 600 Schilling (~ 6 Euros). I had no idea, I was just trying to make a deal to get two, and she wouldn't budge. :-)

Other highlights of these two days included getting to cook for the girls in Kristin's house and then having them cook a 2nd Christmas dinner for all of us. Yum. We watched Downton Abbey, took a walk, visited the West Nairobi School campus (their school), and had Emmy over before she and I had to say good-bye. Sad how quickly my time here is winding down.

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