Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sometimes it clicks.

There are these moments in life when God places people in your life for such a time as this. It can be a friend who's been there for 10 years or one you've only known for 10 days. When I headed off to the WorldVenture conference right after Christmas, I was missing my Germany teammates Amanda and Jill very very much. I had only a vague idea of who my roommate was going to be (which is to say I knew her name and that she lives in Spain) or if I would get any alone time to think or if I would have anyone to hang out with when I didn't want to be alone. Would she be okay if I nerded out at the Parthenon and yet fell asleep at 9 o'clock at night (it was at the end of a busy semester after all)?

So when I walked in and JM smiled brightly and exclaimed, "Katrina! I'm so excited to get to know you," my heart sighed with relief. When she slipped into her pj's and earplugs at 9:30, I excitedly got into mine. When she dragged me out the door at 12:30 am on New Year's Eve, I followed with thrill. 10 days can be so short in many respects, and yet there was so much bonding that happened. From late-night chats about theology to walks around the Acropolis quoting Brian Reagan and all kinds of laughing in between, we connected at a heart level.

And then there was KP. With her own flair and love of all things beautiful at the end of her camera lens, she brought viewpoints to the table and insights from the her part of the world that amazed me. Together, the three of us spent our last day on the island of Aegina, walking, talking, eating, and basking in the sunshine. Stories of life, hurt, and success poured forth, and I wanted to freeze time and bottle up this day forever. They got me. They could relate without needing to try very hard - not that I don't appreciate the people who do, but sometimes it's nice not to have to put forth any effort at all, especially when time is short. I guess there is such a thing as instant friendship.

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