Saturday, December 27, 2008

Making a Memory

I told you guys about the Custer Travel Curse, right?

Today all 7 of us (hooray!) were traveling from Denver down to Colorado Springs to celebrate Christmas with Nana Custer. The highest point we have to travel over was Monument Hill (around 7,300 feet), and just as we were coasting up said hill, the car began to slow down. No matter how much Dad pumped the gas, we kept slowing and eventually ended up in the emergency lane halfway up Monument Hill.

The battery was in working order, the gas tank read 1/3 full, and all my other mechanical knowledge (zero) told me we shouldn't be stopped right now. But, what was there to do. We kids plus Dad got out into the 23-degree wind and began to push the mini van up the hill. Due to the altitude and weight of the vehicle, we did have to stop every now and then to catch our breath and warm up.

A very kind man in a suit pulled over and offered to tow us, but with no hitch on his own small Ford Escort, we didn't see that working out up the hill. Fortunately, God sent another Good Samaritan along in a pick-up truck with a fat chain and obvious expertise in towing. While we got to sit back in the warmth of the car and told Nana where to come rescue us, he pulled us 2 miles to the closest gas station. Turned out to be a fellow brother in the Lord, and he wouldn't take any money for his good deed.

Meanwhile, as we girls waited for Nana, my two brothers ran across to get some gas, just to see what would happen. Well, what happened was that the van guzzled down nearly 21 gallons of gas, and then started up again like a purring kitten. Can we say "broken gas gauge"?

Anyway, we made it to Colorado Springs without too much of a delay and had a wonderful Christmas despite the curse. Well, till Andi got sick.


Spring Lela Kane said...

lol wow sounds like you had an adventure! I can just picture all of you pushing the van up the mountain- how strong you must have looked! :) Glad God sent you a good samaritan to rescue you :)

The Arteagas said...

I can tell there is never a dull moment in your family! I hope you're enjoying the holidays! Happy New Year!