When people have asked me for prayer requests the last couple of weeks, I've said to pray for God's will to be done, mainly in regard to my going to BFA. Should I keep steaming full ahead and plan on going to the school this fall? Should I trust him to do a magnificent miracle? Or was that too much steamrolling over his plan? Should I be content with waiting another year before BFA? I need wisdom as well as clarity of his timing.
Yesterday in church, that was the message over and over. First in Xpedition, we've been studying the life of Joseph in the OT. One of the questions we wrestled with was why the cupbearer forgot Joseph for 2 years. Our main conclusion was that it wasn't in God's perfect timing for Joseph to be released before Pharaoh had the dream. God needed him to be easily accessible in order to launch him from prison straight to second in command. Perhaps Joseph still needed those 2 years in prison to learn some valuable lesson.
Then, in the service, the passage was about Jairus, the synagogue ruler who had the dying daughter. When Jesus started following him to Jairus' house, he was distracted by a poor woman who needed a healing. What was Jairus thinking at that moment - "Don't you know who I am? Get in line; I asked for him first! If we delay, my daughter will die!" But in God's perfect timing, that was exactly what needed to happen in order for Jesus to most glorify his Father.
I still don't have my 100% clear answer. Maybe God will wait until Aug 14th to have the support come pouring in, and I'll be on a plane a week later. All the church would know it was all him! Maybe I still have lessons to learn and detours to follow so that when I go in a year, God will be most glorified. My job right now is to keep trusting and praying. "Don't be afraid; just believe" (Mark 5:36).