Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bartenheim, France

Not a very French-sounding name is it. But then again, we're only 10 minutes from the Germany-France border. I arrived yesterday morning to find only the girls, Allison and Anne. Luc was off for an overnight. So, the three of us played a rousing game of Scategories, in which Allison gave us all a run for our money, had a scrumptious lunch of sandwiches (I even let Anne make her chocolate tortilla), and then we took off to St. Louis (that's more like it in Frenchiness) for a shopping trip - #1 on the list: ice cream. While Allison worked on the computer, Anne and I went for a fun bike ride. She gave me Luc's old one, and my knees almost hit my chin as I pumped the small pedals up and down. But she so badly wanted to show me all the hills she climbs so that she can zoom down them at full speed. A girl after my own heart! I did feel like a kid again when we pushed our bikes through the neighbor's knee-high grass and drove them through a bumpy field. "No pavement? So? I can see the path, can't you?" Ah the adventuresome spirit.

After more games and a special dinner treat of pizza, we made cookie dough to go with our ice cream, and then popped in some episodes of Alias. It was hilarious because they picked out all their favorite episodes from Seasons 4 and 5 (which I've never seen), and we jumped around between them in random order. Is it wrong that the plot line still made complete sense?

This morning we drove back to Germany for church and to pick up Luc. The worship this morning was amazing, by the way!!! We picked up my pumpkin (for some mad carving later on) and drove home where we just finished off the rest of the pizza and rough housed with the dog. Now Luc's going to practice guitar and piano, the girls are painting each other's nails, and I should be grading, but this is so much more fun. So far in France, so good.

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