Friday, October 9, 2009

Sounds and smells of Kandern

I keep meaning to take my camera out into town with me to post pictures. Sorry, folks. They'll come. I wish I could transmit sound and smell, too. Some long-forgotten ones came back to me. Firstly the 11:45 soup smell. It's just unbelievalbe how all Austrians/Germans/Swiss? always seem to make the same bouillon soup smell for lunch every single day. (Of course, they do eat their big meal at noon, and it's very common to have a soup course.) Then there's the rain. It's been misting steadily for two days now, but I do love the earthy smell that accompanies spring and fall rains here.

The other distinctive have been the sounds, most annoying of all the church bells. It doesn't help that I'm spitting distance from the main church (I live on market square, for crying out loud), but every hour on the hour plus the quarters in between. At midnight, you get four little chimes to let you know it's the full hour, then 12 deeper gongs for each hour. Just lovely when you're in jet lag. The better sounds, by far, are the sounds of kids when school gets out, not just BFA but the local ones, too. I can hear German middle schoolers outside my window right now. I missed the lack of sound during the hours of noon and 2 pm when every store and person shuts down for the highly guarded lunch hour. And the sound of roosters! Maybe I am a country girl at heart.


ella peterson said...

glad you there safe and "sound". seems like you are enjoying the sounds. i'll never forget the first thing about Germany that was ingrained in my head - no screens on the window. now, i used this to my advantage and climbed out the window more times than i can count to pick things from the garden which was right outside my room. i don't know if my house mother appreciated my efforts or not. i forgot about the soups. i never understood that. middle of summer - lets eat hot soup! can't wait for the pictures! yay! praying for you my dear.

ella peterson said...

oh yeah.. and i'm really curious. have you tried spitting at the church to see if you are truly within spitting distance?

The Arteagas said...

hey so glad that you made it - sounds like you're enjoying settling in (in spite of the bells!) . . . looking forward to seeing photos!!!

Katrina Custer said...

Okay, Rachel. My spitting does leave a little to be desired, but I'm almost certain a world champion spitter could hit the church from here. I can see the darn bells from where I'm sitting. :-) Thanks for the prayers all around!

Unknown said...

I remember my first church bells in Innsbruck - so annoying... and then, they became just a part of the day :o) Thanks for posting. how big is Kandern?