Monday, October 19, 2009

Good Monday

Today was the first "full-feeling" day at school, where I had something work-related to do all day but also didn't feel overburdened. I feel like I'm finally getting to know my students, and they're finally feeling comfortable around me when they come in for their one-on-one. I know that can be intimidating as a student.

I came home and made dinner for three other single girls and myself: Putengeschnetzeltes (say that ten times fast). I think it turned out! Plus I had yummy bread fresh from the bakery three doors down the street that made up for any bad-tasting food I may have made. We all left together, and I headed over to one of the girls' dorms where I tutored a freshman and helped her study for her World History test tomorrow. The dorm dog Jersey kept coming over and sniffing my left hand, which was pretty cute, I have to admit. Plus, I got to spend the evening talking about history! Could my job be any cooler?!


Sage Grasshopper said...

no, lady, it cannot be any cooler. I'm so excited for you, and so glad you are settling in so well so fast. But of course, what else would I expect from you? I'm sure your food was amazing.

jake said...

I can say Putengeschnetzeltes fast 3x - I am sure it was great as well. We had a Jause at Hoefler last night - and gulasch mit Spaetzle at noon and you cannot believe how much we are eating!

ella peterson said...

this post is such an answer to prayer! lately i've really felt the need to pray for your first "full day" as i knew the first few would be different and not "routine" i then asked the Lord to give you a small enough class as you continue to adjust but not too small that you were bored! Amazing! Yay for God knowing just what you needed!