Monday, April 26, 2010

Signs of spring!

- It could almost be snowing, there's so much pollen floating in the air right now.
- The trees on the hill outside my window are practically neon green.
- This morning, a huge bumble bee crashed into my four large windows numerous times before finally decided he was in fact not going to get me to open them for him to come in.
- I wore sandals to work today.
- The clouds are getting puffier and looking whiter.
- There's the promise of our first thunderstorm coming up.
- Kids are getting stir crazy in classes.
- Everyone eats lunch outside.
- I really don't want to grade anymore online papers!
- It's getting too warm at night for my down comforter.
- And the best one: it's light-ish when I get up at 5:50 and stays light till 9:30-ish!!! LOVE it!


ella peterson said...

sounds like a similar scenario here! so glad that you are enjoying spring. i spent my whole evening outside tearin' up the yard.

Sage Grasshopper said...

The daylight is amazing! We are loving it here also. I got your postcard yesterday! So wonderful!!!! Thank you! I look forward to seeing you when you visit. I look forward to going over there too! :)

Adeline said...

You get up at 5.50??