Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who is this about

Today was the culmination of a big God moment.

About a month ago, I went to a friend's movie night and met one of her friends, Sarah. We didn't talk much, but we did recognize each other 2 weeks later when we were at the same wedding. Not only that, her roommate who was also at the wedding was one of the 7 other ESL students I graduated with 5 years ago. Becca and I hadn't seen each other since. So today Becca, Sarah, and I met for coffee. Clearly my former classmate and I had a lot of catching up to do, and I couldn't wait to hear more about Sarah. What felt like maybe two hours of talking was actually three, and I was so engrossed in hearing their faith stories and sharing my own, that not even the hot sun on my back bothered me till I got up to leave. (I've decided if I could get paid to listen to people's faith stories all day long, I'd have the best job in the world!)

The real moment God showed up was when Sarah was talking in reference to her own support raising experience. She said one big lesson she learned was, "It's not about me!" The words were so simple and yet nearly knocked me off my chair. I felt like a big "Duh" formed in front of my eyes.

This ministry is not about me. It's about God and his glory as his name is proclaimed in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. It's about God and what he wants to do in the life of missionary kids. It's about God and his love for the German people.

Not even the support raising is about me. It's about hearts that love missions and Germans and MK's and education. It's about my being obedient to present the ministry and others being obedient to God's promptings to give. In no way is it ever my responsibility to move others' hearts. It's not about me.

In some ways, it was what I'd known all along, and yet I still felt a huge weight lift off my heart. Of course I have my role to play and my asking to do, but it's not about me. It's not a reflection of me. It's a reflection of God working in hearts, both mine and others. Duh, Katrina.

1 comment:

Adeline said...

Aw Katrina, I know EXACTLY what you mean. My moment came walking out of Mutints with the project unfinished...in my timetable. It's so not about me, it's about God and his work and his plans. How exciting that he uses us to accomplish them in his timing and as he chooses...he's got it all under control!