Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 things

5 things I've eaten recently
1. green tea mochi ice cream
2. left-over Indian food
3. bugs (on my bike ride this morning)
4. banana
5. Milka chocolate

5 emotions I've felt recently
1. fear
2. paranoia
3. joy
4. grief
5. compassion

5 interesting things I've done recently
1. watched the Princess Bride for the gazillionth time
2. drafted a fantasy football team
3. shopped online on behalf of a friend who's looking on behalf of another friend
4. wrote a will (?!?)
5. danced with my i-pod in the kitchen until I heard the garage door signaling Jim and Lori were back

5 embarrassing stories
1. When I worked in the library, I was once carrying a stack of books that blocked my line of sight, but I thought I knew where I was going. Yep, ran right into a pole that knocked all the books out of my hand and made a huge noise.
2. the awful story of when I drove my scooter through freshly poured cement (ask me about it sometime)
3. In high school cooking/serving class, we had to create mixed drinks and were practicing on real guests. I was assigned to the table with the principal and her mother. I poured the drinks all nice and neatly for full marks, but as I was going around the table to set the glasses down, one spilled all over the principal's mother's back, soaking her from neck to waist in sticky, gooey cherry syrup. Lovely.
4. the time I made a joke about my friend's funny last name right as the room went quiet, and no one laughed
5. dancing on stage to the song "Chicky chick chicken, bok bok, chicken!"

5 hopes for the near future
1. connect with friends and family I love
2. pack well and not forget anything important
3. transition well to Germany
4. find a German church to plug in to
5. build relationships with my students

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