Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sonne and Maugenhard

With school closed Monday and Tuesday, all teaching staff were asked to assist the dorm staff who don't get the day off when school closes. On Monday, I picked up Julie (student teacher), and we headed up the mountain to the farthest guys' dorm: Sonne.

We made a giant pan of coffee cake for breakfast the next morning, that sadly burnt around the edges, and then a triple batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Those were then rolled into small balls and stuck in the freezer for later in the week. The guys moved in and out through the kitchen. A few went outside to play Lacrosse in the rain, but most were on the computers or wandering around the house. When we finished in the kitchen, we popped in Home Alone 2, but Julie got too cold down in the basement where the hang-out room is. (It is a very old house with poor insulation.)

On Tuesday, we visited a different guys' dorm: Maugenhard, which happens to be right in Kandern, so we both walked to it. Right as we got there, 20 of the 28 boys were piling into dorm vans to go play soccer at a nearby field, so sadly we didn't get to do much with the guys. But we were busy in the kitchen, first preparing veggies and salads for Wednesday's lunch, and then - the major operation of the day - making Egg McMuffin sandwiches. I cracked 70 eggs! The boys did start trickling back in around 4:30 and showering. One joined me for a couple rounds of speed scrabble, and even though I led most of the game, he ended up beating me twice. Overall, it was fun to see that side of life for a couple of days, but I did forget to take a single picture even though I took my camera both days.

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