A TCK is someone who spent a significant part of his or her developmental years in a culture different from that of his or her parents and thus relates to multiple cultures without feeling ownership of any. Basically, if a family from the US, for example, moves to Brazil, their child will feel connected to American and Brazilian culture and yet feel like he belongs to neither. Usually, the mixture of cultures that results in his inner culture is called a "third culture." Observe my fancy graph:

Those of you who know me best (or even at all) know that I am a TCK. My parents are American, so I grew up celebrating the 4th of July, eating Tex-Mex food, watching football, and valuing things such as freedom, individualism, and the opportunity to make something of yourself. However, I spent a significant portion of my developmental years (all of them) in the country of Austria. Therefore, I also grew up skiing since I was 4, ringing cowbells at sporting events, eating cured bacon fat, and valuing things such as conservationism, group cohesion, and privacy. What can happen is that these kids end up feeling very confused about issues such as loyalty and belonging, but they also hold great potential for future leadership because of their increased global awareness, appreciation of cultures, and flexibility.
This conference is all about clarifying that for missionaries who are about to spread all over the world and work with these kids. Even for me, though I am a TCK, it's been helpful to hear others' stories and pick up practical tips for me as I prepare to teach these kids. So, thanks for your prayers. I'll be here till next Friday.
oooh impressive graph... i'm jealous of your graph-making abilities (ok not really), but i'm glad to hear the conference is going so well for you! can't wait to talk to you, especially after what you wrote on my facebook wall! love ya!
(was going to write a comment but not is checking Sharon's Facebook wall) side note... my word verifiation is "damned"...
hm... now i'm curious! how's NY treatin' you? hope you are learning more than you had anticipated!... aw... Filoria... a much better verification word... i'm all about the "..." tonight.
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