Saturday, January 2, 2010

Vacation update

You know when God gives you little moments, little "love letters" my friend calls them? He knows us so perfectly well and what we enjoy. For me, one of those gifts I love to get is a quiet, clear night with a full moon in the Alps. Its always so bright, especially in winter when around me the moonlight reflects off the snow and the glacier-covered mountain tops. The icing in the cake is being near a lake where it can all reflect and sparkle below me as well as above me. Guess what he gave me a couple nights ago?

This whole week has been full of love letters: cuddling into a cozy, 5oo-year-old mountain cabin with a blanket, a fire, and a cup of wassail; an hour to read a book for fun in my favorite coffee shop while the snow falls outside my window; and dancing the waltz while fireworks explode around us and then spending the first hour of the new year praying with friends whose faith I've had the privilege of seeing grow for the past decade. This has been a very relaxing, wonderful vacation, and God is showering me with his affection.


The Arteagas said...

love those moments, Katrina! so glad God gave them to you (and a bit jealous that I didn't get to enjoy them too - but He gave me some of my own!). Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I thought of you this Silvester! I'm glad it was a good one... i love the winter full moon in the alps too, you know. Your experience sounds out of a dream!

jake said...

We are loved by a very giving God!

Unknown said...

aahm... of course i had to cower and laugh! it was the most terrifyingly exciting moment of silvester! my parents never let me that close to fireworks before! :o)